Seven years ago, I was deeply depressed and chronically anxious, my entire experience was consumed by self-criticism, and I thought this was normal.
I also had cancer spreading through my body and a one-year-old daughter I was struggling to love. This seemed less normal.
When I realised with heaviness and a sort of relief that I did not want to survive, some part of me nudged me out of the the shame I felt and into a phone call with my lifelong friend and alternative practitioner Ian Watson.
And through his seeing me in my wholeness and the subsequent work I did with Ian and his colleague Carol Boroughs I experienced a massive shift in perspective.
And EVERYTHING changed.
I fell in love with my daughter, left my husband and started living.
I fell in love with life.
Paradoxically, I felt less need to control everything and I breezed through cancer treatments with little attachment to the outcome. It is my belief that this was instrumental in my recovery. Loving ourselves deeply and allowing ourselves to BEfully is the best thing we can do for our health.
I found I could give myself permission to live, to love, and to feel and not only would I survive my feelings, but I would thrive.
Now having over 5 years experience coaching and mentoring, I share a feeling-led exploration, helping you to connect and become familiar with your own sense of presence and the voice of your own wisdom.
Practicing this felt sense brings a sense of peace in the moment and clarity to moving forward.
The impact is profound and lasting.